Schofield Middle School Ham Radio and Technology Club Articles & Photos

NABRC has been the sponsor of the Schofield Middle School Ham Radio and Technology Club, N4SMS, since 2009. The effort was led by Kent Hufford, KQ4KK. Other club ‘Elmers’ have included Mike Newland, NC8N, Dave Kjellquist, WB5NHL, Brian Robertson, AA4UJ, Jim Harris, KG4ZNN, and Jim Matson, KN4OQD. School faculty advisor for many years was Trey Nelson. Schofield is one of only 2 ham radio based school clubs in South Carolina. Graduates of Schofield that have gone on to get their General license include Phil Beech, KJ4MWM Darby Wills, KK4PEQ, and Annie Matson, KN4IVD. N4SMS is a regular participant in the bi-annual School Club Roundup contest. In many years N4SMS ranks 1st in the nation in all school categories elementary thru college. N4SMS has also achieved Worked All States (WAS) and DXCC (mixed) contacting over 100 countries.

Schofield Middle School alumns have received an ARRL scholarships. Lance Rolka, KN4IWB received the Donald Riebhoff Memorial Scholarship and is enrolled at Univ of South Carolina studying engineering. Congratulations Lance. Annie Matson, KN4IVD also enrolled at the Univ of South Carolina, Columbia has received significant scholarship support from the ARRL.

Schofield Middle School Ham Radio and Technology Club (N4SMS) articles and photos