Jim leads an agribusiness consulting firm. He has worked in all states and eighteen countries. Jim was brought into the hobby via his daughter’s participation in the Schofield Middle School radio club about 5 years ago. Since then he has become active as an ‘Elmer’ for the that club, the Aiken County ARES and SwampFox Contest Group. The Matson family is a three ham household, Besides Jim there is Annie (KN4IVD) and Winston (KN4YTT)

First licensed in 1977, Arthur returned to ham radio after approximately three decades. He then upgraded to Amateur Extra in 2017. Arthur enthusiastically enjoys CW operation. He participates as a Volunteer Examiner and is active in Aiken County ARES.

Gerald was first licensed in 2003 and currently holds a General license. While living in Florida, he served as VP of the South Brevard ARC. During this time, the state of Florida awarded the local ARES group a grant for a emergency communications vehicle. Gerald moved to North Augusta in 2011. He works as a software developer responsible for comprehensive testing.

David is a retired electrical engineer and moved to Aiken to escape the snow up north. He has been a ham since 1964. He is the club trustee for K4NAB. He is a member of Aiken County ARES and is an Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC). Dave is a member of SCHEART and regularly serves as NCS for the weekly SCHEART training net. Dave is also the administrator for two DSTAR repeaters; KR4AIK (Aiken) and KM4LOD (Beech Island).

Carl is involved with the local Aiken ARES group and is the Aiken County Emergency Coordinator (EC). He enjoys FT8 operation. He holds DXCC Honor Roll, and has operated from Bonaire (PJ4), Guantanamo Bay Cuba (KG4SC). He lived in the USVI for 22 years, and is a retired IT Network Manager.

Charlie is a retired mechanical engineer and manager. He transferred to Savanah River Site from DuPont’s Engineering Services Division in 1981. He has served in numerous Amateur Radio leadership positions ranging from NABRC President, SC Section Emergency Coordinator, State RACES Officer and ARRL’s Emergency Communications Advisory Committee Secretary. He also served on the founding committee for SCHEART and was the initial trustee for the WR4SC (SCHEART) repeater