Studying for Your Exam

All license questions and their answers (both right and wrong) are publicly available. Our general guidance is that there a 4 possible answers. Typically 2 answers are clearly wrong and 2 are close. Only one is correct. When taking the written test there is no penalty for guessing. All questions should be answered. Unanswered questions are scored as wrong.

Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to prepare for a license exam is to attend a test class. Unfortunately, classes are not always available or match your availability. Contact the many ham radio clubs in the area regarding any classes available.

Alternatively, a free, weekly, live, Amateur Radio General Class Licensing course on Zoom will begin on Thursday, Nov 2, and will run through Thursday, January 11. The three-hour sessions will start at 6:30 PM Eastern Time. These are the classes that we have been holding for years sponsored by the National Electronics Museum. Prerequisite is to have or be studying for the Technician Class License. Please publicize this with anyone you know that you think would be interested. Those wishing to sign up should email Roland Anders, K3RA, at [email protected]

The most consistent license classes are conducted by the South Carolina Healthcare Emergency Amateur Radio Team (SCHEART) in Columbia SC. These multi-day classes are held for all license levels. SCHEART classes may be conduct via Zoom. All classes include an exam session at their completion. More information and registration can be found at

There are several publishers of amateur radio exam preparation materials for self study. Each offer their own advantages.

1. Gordon West Radio School

2. ARRL Ham Radio License Manual

3. KB6NU No-Nonsense Study Guide (Tech guide is a free .pdf file)

Having taught many middle school students to take their Technician license, we have found Gordon West’s book an excellent guide clear and easy to read. However, any of the above guides will provide an excellent basis for test preparation. Whenever purchasing or borrowing (library or friend) any study make sure the guide covers the current question pool!

There are numerous paid and free practice exam sites and mobile apps in the iOS and Android app stores. Please note that NABRC does not endorse any particular practice test site.  As with written study guides make sure the practice tests use the latest question pool!

  1. Amateur Exam Study Buddy ( Excellent, all license levels and Free)
  2. Ham
  3. Ham Radio Prep
  4. Ham Radio Technician
  5. ARRL Exam Review

Android apps

  1. Ham Test Prep (Technician license)

IOS apps

  1. Ham Test Prep (Technician License)

Perhaps the best advice regarding online practice tests is to test yourself regularly while studying for your exam. Every time you start an online a different set of questions will be selected from the pool. The feedback provided when the exam is scored provides you an excellent indication of the exam area needing more study. Experience has taught us that when you consistently score 80% or better on the practice tests you are likely to pass the written test.