Below are the Bylaws of the North Augusta Belvedere Radio Club Inc. A pdf file of these Bylaws can be found here.


1. Pursuant to Article II of the Constitution, the following are the membership requirements of the Club: A: Full Member shall hold an amateur radio operator’s license recognized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States of America. Each such member shall have one vote; B: Associate Member may be any person interested in amateur radio. Family Membership shall include a Full Member, spouse, and children living in the same household, however that such family membership will have only one vote per paid Full Member. Only licensed Amateurs shall be eligible for full membership. At no time shall the associate membership exceed 49% of the full membership.

2. Applicants for membership shall become members upon payment of appropriate dues, unless a majority of the voting members of the Club present at a regular monthly meeting shall vote to deny the applicant such membership. The dues may be prorated quarterly for new members only, and may be waived by the Executive Committee. The Club will be given an annual report on the number of members that have had their dues waived by the Executive Committee.

3. Membership is for one year beginning on January 1. The dues for each class of members shall be due no later than the March monthly meeting of the Club in each calendar year as follows: a) Full Membership – $20.00; b) Associate Membership – $5.00; c) Family Membership – $20.00; d) Family Membership with multiple licensed operators in the household $20.00 plus $5.00 for each additional licensed member of the family to hold voting membership. Associate members who later qualify for full membership may pay $15.00 additional, prorated for the remainder of the year.

4. The Club may levy upon the membership any special assessment, not to exceed a total of $25.00 per household annually, that is deemed necessary for the furtherance of Club purposes established in Article III of the Constitution. A request for such special assessment shall originate only from the Executive Committee. Due written notice stating explicitly the amount, purpose, justification, and deadline for payment shall be sent to all voting members at least thirty days before the meeting at which such assessment is to be voted, An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of voting members present at the meeting shall be required for approval of such assessment. If any member does not pay an approved assessment within thirty days of the date of approval of the assessment, membership shall automatically terminate without notice and no portion of the member’s dues shall be refunded.

5. Members whose dues are in arrears shall be carried on the Club roster until the close of the April regular monthly meeting of each calendar year, whereupon membership shall automatically terminate. Reinstatement shall be only as provided for new members in Section 2.

6. Any member may be expelled from the Club upon a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at a regularly scheduled meeting. The member to be expelled must have been given due written notice mailed to their last known address via Certified Mail with Return Receipt at least thirty days in advance and must have an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. In the case of revocation of the license by the FCC, full membership will be automatically terminated and status will transfer to associate membership pending a vote to expel.


7. All Officers and Directors of the Club shall be voting members, and shall have held such membership for at least one year prior to election or appointment to office. All Officers shall not be less than eighteen years of age. Not more than one member of a family household may hold an Office or Director position.

8. Each Officer or Director may serve and continue in office until a successor has been elected or appointed, except as provided in Section 25.

9. All Officers and Directors shall serve without compensation except for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred as part of their duties, per approval of the Executive Committee.

10. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Club, shall be subject to instructions from the Executive Committee, shall be the official spokesperson for the Club, shall co-sign with the Treasurer all checks in amounts of $100.01 and greater, shall execute all official documents adopted by the Club, and shall perform all other duties customarily pertaining to the office. He/She or his/her appointee shall represent the Club in its relationship with public and governmental agencies.

11. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall act in the President’s stead.

12. The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Club, shall submit a summary of the proceedings at each monthly club meeting, which will be made available for club members on the club’s website, shall maintain the Club’s archives, shall maintain the corporate status of the Club, shall file all non-financial reports and certificates that may be required of the Club by the laws of the State of South Carolina, and shall perform all other duties customarily pertaining to the office.

13. The Treasurer shall receive all monies due the Club, depositing such in the name of the Club in a depository specified by the Executive Committee, shall draw and co-sign with the President checks in payment of obligations in amounts of $100.01 and greater known to be proper and authorized by the Executive Committee, shall draw and sign alone checks in payment of obligations that occur on a regular basis in amounts of $100.00 and less known to be proper and authorized by the Executive Committee, provide updates at monthly club meetings with summary account information made available for members on the club’s website, shall supervise and invest any surplus funds of the Club in a prudent manner with the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall perform all other duties customarily pertaining to the office.

14. The Trustee is appointed by the President and shall be responsible for the inventory, care and maintenance of all Club property including but not limited to the Club’s call-sign, communications equipment The trustee shall insure that all operation of Club communication equipment is in accordance with all rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and with normal amateur practice, shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee and to the Club on such operation and maintenance, shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses associated with such duties, and shall make monthly reports to the Club on the operation of the Club’s equipment.

Executive Committee

15. The Executive Committee shall be constituted as provided in Article IV of the Club Constitution. Election shall be as provided by the portion of the By-Laws entitled Elections.

16. The Executive Committee shall hold an open meeting at least quarterly at a time and place designated by the President. The President or a majority of the members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the Executive Committee at any time. The Secretary shall notify each member of the Executive Committee at least seven days before such meeting. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Committee.

Club Meetings

17. The Club shall meet regularly in the evening of the second Monday of each month in the vicinity of North Augusta – Belvedere, Aiken County, South Carolina, at a time and place designated by the President. The Executive Committee may authorize the President to omit a regular meeting and may permit the regular meeting date to be changed when good cause exists. Due notice shall be provided for all Club meetings by way of announcements at club meetings, on radio nets, club’s website, e-mail and other contact methods as chosen by the membership.

18. A quorum as determined by roll call, shall consist of one third of the voting members of the Club. If a quorum is not present at a regular or special meeting the only official action that can be taken is to adjourn.

19. No matter deemed substantive by the presiding officer will be voted on during the same meeting it is introduced at. The matter may be introduced and debated, after being presented at the monthly radio club meeting and placed on the club’s website at least 21 days prior to the next meeting, can it be voted upon. The President can call for a vote on financial decisions at anytime and may be overruled only by unanimous consent of the members present, in which case the matter must be acted upon within the next two consecutive regularly scheduled Club meetings.

20. Special meetings of the Club must be called by the President upon written petition of at least fifty percent of the full members. Such meeting shall be held within fifteen days after presentation of the petition. The Secretary shall give due notice to the membership of the time, place and subject of such meeting at least seven days in advance of such meeting.

21. On questions of order or procedure not covered by the By-Laws the provisions of the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail.


22. Elections will be held at the regular Club meeting in November. At this meeting, the membership shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and (2) Directors for two (2) year terms. The Executive Committee may appoint a Nominating Committee to make nominations. Nominations shall also be solicited at the October meeting and a list of potential Candidates for office shall be published on the club’s website not less than 21 days prior to the elections which will be held at the November meeting. Club members who cannot attend the November meeting may request an absentee ballot from the Club Secretary. The secretary must receive the ballot prior to the November meeting and the rear of the envelope must have the member’s signature. At the November regular meeting, additional nominations for unfilled positions will be solicited from the floor prior to voting. The vote shall be taken by ballot and shall be tabulated by disinterested members. Absentee ballots will be authenticated against club roster, the ballot envelope will be opened and the ballot included with all ballots cast during the meeting. The candidate receiving the majority of valid votes cast will be declared the winner. In absence of a majority, the two candidates with the largest number of votes shall participate in a run-off election to be held during the regular November election meeting.

23. Elected and appointed Officers and Directors shall take office on the first day of the following year.

24. Directors shall serve terms of two years.

25. In the event of a vacancy in any elected office, whether by resignation, removal, or lack of a willing nominee, the Executive Committee by a majority vote shall appoint a qualified member to such office. At no time shall any member of the Executive Committee have two or more votes, such as that given him or her by proxy for another member.

26. An Officer or Director may be removed from office before the expiration of his or her term of office by a vote of two-thirds of the voting membership present at a regular or special meeting called for such purpose. The Executive Committee or any voting member can make a motion for removal from office of an officer. Such consideration for removal shall be governed by the provisions of Section 19. An Officer or Director position shall be considered vacant if the holder of the position is absent from three consecutive regular Club meetings, Executive Committee meetings or six combined meetings, in one calendar year.

Other Matters

27. The President, with the approval of the rest of the Executive Committee, may appoint such committees as may be needed for the proper operation of the Club. Such committees shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. Standing Committees include, but are not limited to, Membership Committee, Newsletter Committee, Awards Committee, Field Day Committee, Technical Committee, ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) Committee, and the Volunteer Examiner Team.

28. The Club shall maintain an official website which will provide a forum for club information such as meeting minutes, financial reports, upcoming elections/nominees, training opportunities, club activities, and notice of any impending action that is required by the By-Laws. This notice shall be deemed to have been given by publication on the website. Actions taken at each meeting of the Club shall be reported/updated on the website.

29. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all voting members of the Club or, provided due notice of the proposed amendment shall have been posted on the website or emailed at least thirty days before the regularly scheduled meeting of the Club at which such proposed amendment is to be voted upon, by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at such meeting.

Duly adopted this 1st day of December 2013 by a majority vote of attending members. North Augusta – Belvedere Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

By: Greg Godsey K5CVD, Secretary

Carl Bosard AJ4AU, President

Signatures on file